The HPV vaccine has had some very controversial dialogue. The Human papillomavirus vaccine is said to prevent infection by certain types of human papillomavirus and protect young women against either two, four, or nine types of HPV. This is the CDC Parent PDF-Click HERE.

Following is the VAERS( The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) report for adverse reactions for just 2017 for the HPV vaccines. Please click image for more clarity. VAERS reporting is voluntary, therefore it estimates that these numbers may represent as little as 10% of the actual total adverse events.

Image Source

(VAERS reporting is voluntary, therefore it estimates that these numbers may represent as little as 10% of the actual total adverse events.)

As of February 4, 2016, there were a total of 38,833 vaccine reaction reports made to the federal
Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) associated with Gardasil, produced by Merck.
Reports associated with Gardasil and Cervarix, (GlaxoSmithKline) shots include unexplained collapse,
seizures, muscle pain and weakness; disabling fatigue, paralysis, brain inflammation, rheumatoid
arthritis, lupus, blood clots, multiple sclerosis, optic neuritis, spontaneous abortions, lupus, strokes, heart
and other serious health problems, and 218 deaths. The info is found in this PDF.

The references are at the bottom of the page. Here is the FDA Biological report.

Here in the US, be sure to write down and report any reactions that you observe. Without accurate records, there is no compensation should something happen.

Please watch the following to the end without judgment.


Many young girls around the world who receive the vaccination are having adverse reactions. Some are devastating, some are debilitating, and some have even caused death. Where there are gatherings of victims, seeing them all in one room is heart-rending. The first video was made during a public forum in Ireland where a victim expresses herself on what happened to her after receiving the Gardasil Vaccine.

BTW: It is now being given to boys, too. This is said to protect them from genital warts when becoming sexually active and anal cancer and cancers of the mouth/throat that is on the rise.


A young man who was seriously injured by the HPV vaccine:
UPDATE: Colton sadly passed away in January 2018.
Courtesy: VAXXED TV
In Addition:
Recently I have been told that the Gardasil/Cevarix vaccines may be in line to be added to the list of vaccines for younger children with a booster later.

It appears that studies are going on in Hungary with trials on younger children in which Merck is listed as a collaborator. Some say it is from 0 to 6 months, and others say that it will begin at the age of 1 month to 18 months.  In either case, that is very young.

This is one report quote:

“After an initial immunological and ear-nose-throat (ENT) assessment, children with at least 3 relapses in their patient history will be vaccinated with the 4-valent HPV vaccine according to the following schedule: 0., 2., 6. months. It will be followed by an immunological and 3 ENT examinations to assess response to vaccination … 3. Follow-up: 1 month after 3rd vaccine dose – immunological assessment (same tests as in the enrollment phase) 6, 12 and 18 months after the 3rd vaccine dose – ENT + oesophagoscopy”.(1)

Reasons given for the HPV vaccine by the CDC:

HPV vaccine prevents infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) types that are associated with many cancers, including:

  • cervical cancer in females,
  • vaginal and vulvar cancers in females,
  • anal cancer in females and males,
  • throat cancer in females and males, and
  • penile cancer in males. (2)

Currently, the standard practice is that the Hepatitis B vaccine is given to infants in the hospital within the first 12 hours. It appears that this model is what may be planned for the Gardasil/Cervarix vaccines.

NCIB report: On a global scale, vaccination of newborns and infants is well established and has developed a successful working infrastructure. The hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccination programs offer a model for HPV introduction in which newborn and infant immunization achieve a rapid reduction in the prevalence of the HBV carrier rates in immunized cohorts of children, and of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer decades later…(3)

This reminds me of an article we read in a newspaper in 1992. My wife and I were visiting Fort Worth, in, I believe, August of 1992. We purchased a local newspaper, and there on the front page was an article announcing that newborns were going to be given the Hepatitis B within the first 24 hours of birth in Fort Worth. Why?

The article said it was going to be done should the babies grow up and become sexually promiscuous in their teenage years. My wife and I looked at each in disbelief.  A beautiful newborn, with no medical history of which to compare, was to receive a vaccine that was said to protect them from illnesses that could result from sexual promiscuity in their future teenage years. (???) And, it appears that this may possibly to be the case with the Gardasil/Cervarix, if not in the first month.

It is being said that, in recent years, the Gardasil vaccine administration has not reached the preferred goals of the teen or pre-teen population. Following the Hepatitis B model, administering the vaccine to younger children would appear to be the answer in getting larger numbers of the populace vaccinated with  Gardasil/Cervarix.


This is the current immunization schedule by the CDC: Click Here

1. Quote


Quote from page: HPV infection usually comes from sexual contact, and most people will become infected at some point in their life. About 14 million Americans, including teens, get infected every year. Most infections will go away on their own and not cause serious problems. But thousands of women and men get cancer and other diseases from HPV.


Gradasil Studies

US NEWS Gradasil Article

Vaccine Information Statement

What I think, say, or do is meaningless to someone else. Do your own research on everything! Make an informed decision.